Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week of 3/29/10

Note: Mr Raupers, my student teacher has taken over all of my classes

Note: Am Cultures II Presidents test will be retested on April 12th

Note: Am Cultures II Classes - Notebook check for the 3rd nine weeks will be on Thursday, be prepared.


Amer Cult II - concept - JFK and direct dealings with the Soviets.

U.S. Govt. - Federal court system and checks and balances.


Amer. Cult II - Spending on the Cold War and our indirect relations with the Soviets

U.S. Govt. - analysis of the 1st Amendment.


Amer. Cult. II - Assassination of JFK and LBJ

U.S. Govt, Review of the three branches of govt.


Am. Cult II - The Great Society

U.S. Govt. Test on all three branches of govt.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Week of 03/22/10

Note - by the end of this week, my student teacher Mr. Raupers will be taking over the American Cultures II classes and has already taken over the U.S. Government classes.

Am Cult II - The 2nd red scare - HW study for President's test on friday and the student's bomb shelter projects are due Wednesday.

U.S. Govt. - Legislative branch

Am Cult II - Learning to deal in the nuclear age HW Bomb shelter project is due Wednesday, President's test friday.

U.S. Govt. - Legislative branch

Am. Cult II - Elvis, Beatniks, and Corporate America HW. Bomb shelter projects due, President's test friday

U.S. Govt - Legislative branch

Am. Cult II - election of 1960 HW President's test friday.

U.S. Govt. - Legislative Branch

Am. Cult. II - President's test

U.S. Govt. - Legislative Branch

Monday, March 15, 2010

Week of 03/15/10

Am. Cult 2 - concept Finish the Forgotten War HW. study for the presidents quiz on 3/17 and work on the bomb shelter project.

U.S. Govt. - finished voters and voting HW study for Wednesday's test

Am. Cult 2 - Concept The 2nd Red Scare H.W. study for the presidents quiz on 3/17 and work on bomb shelter project

U.S. Govt - review for test tomorrow

Am. Cult 2 - Concept continue with the 2nd Red Scare H.W. bomb shelter project and the Presidents test that is a week from friday

U.S. Govt. - Test

Am. Cult 2 - Concept - life in the 1950s - the birth of suburbia and the Conglomerates - Shelter project is due this coming wednesday, and the Presidents test is a week from tomorrow

U.S. Govt. - legislative branch

Am. cult 2 - Concept - project work

U.S. Govt. - Legislative Branch of the U.S. govt.

Monday, March 8, 2010

Week of 3/8/10

Note: The final Presidents quiz of the last eight presidents is on March 17th and the Presidents Test is on March 26th which is on all 44 presidents.

Also Note that all classes have the potential of having a quiz at anytime once enough material has been gathered.

American Cultures - Berlin Airlift & Containment. HW Europe Post WW 2 map is due today and the Pacific Post WW 2 map is due tomorrow.

U.S. Govt. Voting cont. H.W. Drawing from the headlines is due tomorrow

American Cultures - The Forgotten War HW collect the Pacific Post WW 2 map

U.S. Govt. Voting continued and the Alabama literacy test. HW collect the drawing of political cartoons

American Cultures - The Forgotten War continued HW study for the Presidents quiz next week and for the map quiz on Tuesday

U.S. Government Voting continued

American Cultures - Support your Local Un-American Activities Committee H.W. study for the Presidents quiz and the map quiz next week

U.S. government Voting concluded HW. begin to review for the test on Wednesday of next week

American Cultures - Support your Local Un-American Activities Committee cont. HW study for the Presidents quiz and the map quiz next week

U.S. govt. review for the test