Thursday, November 18, 2010

Week of 11/22/10

Am. Cultures II Classes remember that your first progress report on your project is due the day before Christmas Break. Also your remember that your third Presidents quiz is 1 through 20 and that it won't occur until the 1st full week in December.

Am. Cult II - Tea Pot Dome Scandal

Am. Cult II - Prohibition, and the Car

Am. Cult II - Scopes trial and America's past times

week of 11/16/10

Am. Cultures II Classes: Remember that your groups and project selections are due Friday 11/19 (Group members if any and what your project is)

Am. Cultures classes you should be reading chapters 20 - 21 and 22

U.S. Govt. you should be reading Ch 13,14,15 as a backup to what you're learning in class.

Am. Cult II - The 1st Red Scare

U.S. Govt - selecting a VP - HW pg 264 Selecting a VP due Thursday and they should be more than 1 word answers

Am. Cult II - The Rise of Nativism

U.s. Govt. - the Convention and their processes

Am. Cultures II - Strikes (labor strikes and most of their failures)

U.s. Govt. - Concept Convention cont. - HW due, new assignment, pg 358 Question #5, pg 363 Question #6, and pg 375 Question # 5 due Monday

Am. Cultures II - Harding's attempts to limit war

U.S. Govt. - discussion of Govt in the news, more about the Presidency