Monday, November 28, 2011

Week of 11/28/11

U.S. Gov. Class make sure you've read ch 5 & 6 to aid in learning on parties and voting. Vocab ch 6 is being assigned Tuesday and due Thursday. Vocab quiz Friday 15 questions. There will be a test coming up soon, be prepared.

Am Cultures II - Quiz on vocab Friday as well. Political cartoon 1 (guy out of work sitting on a park bench talking to a Squirrel) will be handed out on Wednesday and due Friday. Political cartoon 2 will be handed out most likely Friday and due Monday of next week. There is a test coming soon because this is a short section (Hoover's Administration) Start studying now and read chapter 8 the first section or two (Great Depression in regards to Hoover).

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Week of 11/21/11

Remember that missed notes and work can be found at

U.S. Govt. your planks are due, typed and fully explained on Wednesday. NO EXCUSES

Am. Cultures II Your project groups and ideas are to be on the sign up sheet on the wall of my room, by Wednesday - No Excuses. Remember that you can change your mind should an issue arise, but you need to get moving so you don't fall behind and not get it done at all.

Have a good Thanksgiving

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Week of 11/14/11

Remember all work is online.

All Classes, you will be having your test on Tuesday the 15th.

U.S. Govt. Your Party and planks are due before you leave for Thanksgiving break. Vocab Ch 5 is due Monday.

American Cultures II - review Monday, Test Tuesday, bring your text books Wednesday and Thursday. Also your Vocab will be due Friday. You'll be getting your next set of Presidents after the test so that means quiz 4 will be two weeks from Tuesday. Alfred Smith sheet is due Thursday. Your Commercials with 20s slang are due Monday. Those that need to shoot will be doing so Wednesday and Thursday. Finally your Big Project topic is due by Wednesday before going home for Thanksgiving.