Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Week of 11/26/18

I hope your Thanksgiving holiday went well!

American History II - chapter quiz on Friday, Chapter test next week. Prepare now

Modern World - Vocabulary quiz will be done Thursday of Next week as well as well as a chapter test the following week. Start prepping now.

Military History - Test Friday on the War of 1812. Start studying now!

Spartan Fire and Rescue - Meeting Wednesday

NS Vision Council - Quick Meeting Friday

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Week of 11/12/18

Happy Veterans Day - No School for Students on Monday 11/12 - also the 100th anniversary of the Armistice ending the Great War!

American History II - The Vocabulary Quiz is on Wednesday 11/14.

Modern World History - Gun Powder Poem is due Friday, to be looked over and graded.

Military History - Vocabulary quiz is Friday, Start studying. The War of 1812 is almost over, start studying now.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Week of 11/5/18

Happy Election Day

American History II - Vocabulary on The Great War is due Tuesday 11/6. President's Quiz 2 (Washington - Buchanan 1 - 15) is NOW 11/9 FRIDAY!!!

Modern World Vocabulary quiz will be Thursday 11/8

Military - keep working on your 3-d battlefield project.