Monday, December 14, 2009

Week of 12/14/09

Remember that all work can be found at

Am. Cult 2 - Last day of in class time for the Great Depression Project. HW: Project wikis due Friday.

U.S. Government- Federalism

Am. Cult 2 - FDR's first 100 days. HW: Hoover review worksheets due friday

U.S. Govt. - Federalism continued & go over test

Am. Cult 2 - Opposition to the New Deal Grows and FDR's attempt to change the Constitution to suit his needs. HW. Project and Wiki due friday

U.S. Govt. - Federalism continued HW. Assign 2nd political cartoon only this time with more elaborate meanings.

Am. Cult 2 More Alphabet Soup - FDR adds more programs to his already large amount of them. HW. wikis and worksheets due friday - Political cartoon sheets to be handed out.

U.S. Govt. - Federalism continued. HW - hand out review questions on their wikis due Monday.

Am. Cult 2 - Minorities and the New Deal HW: wikis and review sheets due, political cartoon worksheets due wednesday 12/23/09 Review questions on FDR's Presidency to be handed out.

U.S. Govt. - Federalism concluded HW - review questions due Monday

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