Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week of 3/29/10

Note: Mr Raupers, my student teacher has taken over all of my classes

Note: Am Cultures II Presidents test will be retested on April 12th

Note: Am Cultures II Classes - Notebook check for the 3rd nine weeks will be on Thursday, be prepared.


Amer Cult II - concept - JFK and direct dealings with the Soviets.

U.S. Govt. - Federal court system and checks and balances.


Amer. Cult II - Spending on the Cold War and our indirect relations with the Soviets

U.S. Govt. - analysis of the 1st Amendment.


Amer. Cult. II - Assassination of JFK and LBJ

U.S. Govt, Review of the three branches of govt.


Am. Cult II - The Great Society

U.S. Govt. Test on all three branches of govt.

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