Sunday, March 27, 2011

Week of 3/28/11

All American Cultures II classes - This Thursday is the due date for the big project. I will not accept projects. They are worth 300 points and are the 1st grade of the 4th nine weeks. As for a test, the Cold War Begins Test is at the moment scheduled for Wednesday April 6th, 2011. It may come a little earlier or a little later, but start preparing now.

U.S. Govt Classes - if you haven't read already, you should have read chapters 19 and 20 on the 1st Amendment and on civil liberties. Your test is at the moment scheduled for Friday. Start studying now.

Am. Cult II - Concept Wrapping up the Forgotten War.
U.S. Govt. - Concept 2nd Amendment Rights

Am. Cult II - Concept: Life in America during the post War era.
U.s. Govt. - Concept 3rd & 4th Amendments.

Am. Cult II - Concept: Life in Am cont.
U.S. Govt. - Concept: - Rights of the Accused.

Am. Cult II - Concept: Life in Am. finished: HW McCarthyism political Cartoon - if you're not in class, you can get a copy of it from my wikispace under American Cultures Homework page, heading - The Cold War Begins.
U.S. Govt. Review

Am. Cult II - Living Under the Shadow of the Bomb
U.S. Govt. Test

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