Monday, April 25, 2011

week of 4/25/11

Am. Cultures II concept - Brown v. Board.

U.S. Govt concept - Profit

Am. Cultures II concept - early civil rights movement days/"I Have A Dream" Vocabulary is due

U.S. Govt. concept - Supply Side economics. Hand out Adam Smith questions

Am. Cultures II concept - mid 60s civil rights movement/starts to get violent

U.S. Govt - concept - Demand Side economics


Am. cultures II Concepts "by any means necessary"

U.S. Govt - Review

Monday, April 18, 2011

Week of 4/18/11

American Cultures II classes - TEST THURSDAY on Kennedy Johnson 60. The quiz on the Space Race is going to be delayed unto after the four day weekend. As for the vocab pop quiz, that is still on. STUDY NOW!!!!

Am. Cult 2 - The Great Society. The political Cartoon is due.

U.S. Govt. - Assembly

Am. Cult 2 - Finish the Great Society - Vocabulary Scramble is due

U.S. Govt. - Market & Command Economy

Am. Cult 2 - Review

U.S. Govt - Mixed Economy

Am. Cult 2 - test

U.S. Govt - Supply Side economics

Friday - Off

Friday, April 8, 2011

Week of 4/11/11

U.S. Govt. - Test - Bring your Govt books to exchange for your economic books

Am. Cult II - Behold Camelot HW - Read Ch 28 starting on Pg 876

U.S. Govt. - What is Economics - HW how do you actually see Economics used in your everyday lives. Read Chapter 1 pg - 30

Am. Cult II - Cuban Missile Crisis

U.S. Govt. - What is scarcity

Am. Cult II - The New Frontier - Vocab for ch 28 is due

U.S. Govt - Different Economic Systems - HW is due from Tuesday. Also read pg 74-75 "The Wealth of Nations" and answer the questions

Am. Cult II - The Assassination of JFK

U.S. Govt - Supply Side Economics - HW Graphing Supply Curves

Am. Cult II - The Great Society

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Week of 4/4/11

American Cultures II Classes your test is moved to Friday. Prep now! Your political cartoon is due Monday and will be collected in class. If you're absent, you can get the worksheet on my wikispace.

U.S. Govt. Test Thursday. Study.

Am. Cult II - collect homework and then continue "Living Under the Shadow of the Bomb"

U.S. Govt - Rights of the Accused

Am. Cult II - "Living Under the Shadow of the Bomb cont."

U.S. Govt. - Rights of the Accused wrap up

Am. Cult II - "Living Under the Shadow of the Bomb Concluded"

U.S. Govt. - review

Am. Cult II - Review

U.S. Govt. - Test

Am. Cult II - Test

U.S. Govt. - What is Economics