Monday, March 15, 2010

Week of 03/15/10

Am. Cult 2 - concept Finish the Forgotten War HW. study for the presidents quiz on 3/17 and work on the bomb shelter project.

U.S. Govt. - finished voters and voting HW study for Wednesday's test

Am. Cult 2 - Concept The 2nd Red Scare H.W. study for the presidents quiz on 3/17 and work on bomb shelter project

U.S. Govt - review for test tomorrow

Am. Cult 2 - Concept continue with the 2nd Red Scare H.W. bomb shelter project and the Presidents test that is a week from friday

U.S. Govt. - Test

Am. Cult 2 - Concept - life in the 1950s - the birth of suburbia and the Conglomerates - Shelter project is due this coming wednesday, and the Presidents test is a week from tomorrow

U.S. Govt. - legislative branch

Am. cult 2 - Concept - project work

U.S. Govt. - Legislative Branch of the U.S. govt.

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