Monday, April 19, 2010

Week of 04/19/10

Note: the President's retest is after PSSAs. Only those with a perfect score don't have to take the retest. On that day, you should have something else to do.

Note: Mr. Rauper's Notes on Vietnam are now online. Go to my wiki space and look up the page Notes galore, they are at the very bottom of the page.

Note: American Cultures II test on Tuesday. STUDY and BE READY!!!!

Note: the End of the year project is do MAY 3 the period of your class. This is a Monday and since you had since the first day of school to work on this project, and two reminders throughout the year, there will be no exceptions for being late. If you have it done now, you may bring it in early.

Note: Finals are soon upon us. Seniors are earlier than the rest of the building. You should be preparing now and remember, the finals go from the beginning to the end of the year.

American Cultures II: the dividing of Americans at home during Nam. HW - Study

U.S. Govt. - the class will be working with primary sources to answer questions about the Constitution. HW study and begin prep for finals.

American Cultures II - TET Offensive HW study

U.S. Govt. - Amendment project continued

American Cultures II - Vietnamization of the war (Nixon's plan)

U.S. Govt. - Amendment project cont.

American Cultures II - Gradual Pull out

U.S. Govt. - Capitalist Economy

American Cultures II - Review for test

U.S. Govt. Socialist Economy

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