Friday, May 14, 2010

Week of 5/17/10

Note: U.S. Govt final is on May 24th. American Cultures II finals are 6/1 - periods 1 & 2, 6/2 - period 6, 6/3 - period 3 & 4, 6/4 period 5. All finals are CUMULATIVE

Am. Cult II concept Reagan destroys communism HW Watergate/Nixon Worksheet is due

U.S. Govt. - Finish up the media

Am. Cult II concept: Reagan's Domestic issues - Challenger Disaster

U.S. Govt - Review for the final exam & it's format

Am. Cult II concept Bush 41 H.W. study for the final exam

U.S. Govt - review for the final exam

Am. Cult II concept Clinton Administration

U.S. Govt. review for the final exam

Am. Cult II concept Clinton Administration - Lewinsky Scandal/Contract with America

U.S. Govt. review for final

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