Sunday, December 5, 2010

Week of 12/06/10

Am. Cultures Classes - Test on the Darkside of the post War Era (1920s) will be Wednesday. The President's quiz is pushed back until NEXT WEEK. The one after that will be after Mid-Terms.

U.S. Govt. Classes - Test Wednesday. I'm checking Notebooks after the test is done and we start Congress Thursday. Read Chapters 10 - 12 on Congress

Am. Cult II - finish up the 1920s - HW Study for the test

U.S. Govt. Review for the test

Am. Cult II - review

U.S. Govt - Test

Am. Cult II - Test

U.S. Govt. Start Congress HW Read chapters 10 - 12

Am. Cult II - The events leading up to the Crash

U.S. Govt - Congress

Am. Cult II how people and areas coped with the Great Depression

U.S. Govt. - Congress

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