Monday, September 5, 2011

Week of 9/5/11

If you should be sick or miss or just not sure what notes we took in class or what homework worksheets were given out, check the Wyatt's world link at the left of this post. Both classes are listed there.

American Cultures II - Remember to read Ch 4 The Progressive Era, it can help you on the test. On Tuesday, you will be getting two work sheets. One will be the first political cartoon of the year, due Wednesday. The second sheet is a worksheet that goes over the Progressive Era. - It is due Thursday. Probable test at the very earliest is Friday.

U.S. Govt. You should have read ch1 on the origins of the Stste, now you will be reading ch 2 on the British contributions to the Constitution and our early governing experiences. Tuesday, questions will be assigned from both chapters and you are looking at a test early next week.

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